About Me

About Me

I’m a semi-retired psychologist and a full time enjoyer of nature. I live in Northeast Pennsylvania, am married, have four wonderful children, and two amazing grandchildren.

As a psychologist I work with children, adolescents, and adults with developmental and acquired disorders of learning. I also have a personal and professional interest in relaxation training and stress management and in pursuit of these interests authored several books including Total Relaxation: Healing Practices for Body, Mind and Spirit; Deep Sleep: Complete Rest for Health, Longevity and Vitality; and edited and contributed to The Quiet Mind: Techniques for Transforming Stress.

I grew up in rural Wisconsin where with the encouragement and example of my father I developed a lifelong interest in the outdoors, in conservation, and in learning about the plants, birds, and animals around me. My favorite outdoor activities include kayaking, hiking, gardening, bird watching, and disc golf.

This blog is a continuation of a transformational year-long project when I went to the same spot in the forest every week, sat quietly, watched, listened, and learned. My experiences from the year are described in my book The Stillness of the Listening Forest: A Year of Listening and Learning available on Amazon and through Shanti Arts Publishing.

Since the book was published in 2018 I have given numerous presentations and presented workshops on Forest Mindfulness and Nature Observation.  If your business, book club, library, religious group or conservation organization is interested in a presentation please contact me at jdharvey@ptd.net.