Nature’s Pathways to Mindfulness
I am pleased and excited to offer information on my new book, Nature’s Pathways to Mindfulness scheduled for release on October 1, 2024. Here is a description of the book from Christine Cote, publisher of Shanti Arts.
In 2014 John Harvey fulfilled his one-year commitment to sit in the forest once each week for one hour to observe nature. It turned out to be a richly rewarding experience. He learned to more fully see, hear, smell, and feel; he learned much about the natural world—the environment, flora and fauna, the progression of the seasons, and weather; and at the end of the year, he felt physically, emotionally, mentally, and even spiritually rejuvenated. He shared his experiences and discoveries in his book The Stillness of the Living Forest.
But as time went on, Harvey realized he had many questions about the connection between time spent in nature and one’s health and well-being. As a psychologist, Harvey was eager to learn if others who spent time in nature had experienced outcomes similar to his. He began to read relevant books and research articles and found that the physical, emotional, and cognitive benefits of spending time in nature are well established. There were also findings pointing to nature’s positive impact on feelings of connection, self-knowledge, and personal transformation and spiritual growth.
Harvey realized that it was time for a sequel to his book, time to take an all-embracing journey through both contemporary scientific and traditional literary sources to understand how and why time in nature is so beneficial. Nature’s Pathways to Mindfulness explores scientific information on the benefits of time spent in nature and the processes and theories that explain these benefits, recounts many of Harvey’s personal experiences in nature, and provides step-by-step guidance on how to conduct a nature sitting experience.
Advance Reviews
One of the jobs of an author is to ask for advance reviews of the book that can be used as back cover blurbs. I purposefully sought out reviewers with different backgrounds and perspectives. Here are their very kind and diverse comments.
John Harvey’s latest book teaches not only how to connect to the wonders and awe of the natural world, but why these connections are so vital for our personal wellbeing.
Harvey’s remarkable gift of transporting the reader into “Sit Spots” and other mindful experiences outdoors by sharing rich sensory descriptions of his own experiences, allows us to feel the power of nature, while providing techniques to guide us into deeper relationships with the natural world around us – no matter where we are.
Whether on the wings of a tern, the mournful song of a pewee, or the beautiful flutelike song of a Wood Thrush, Harvey demonstrates how we can find an uplift to boost our mood, or support healing of body and mind, by simply taking time out to notice, reflect, and appreciate the present moment. Something we all can benefit from in our ever-changing world.”
Holly C. Merker, Founder of The Mindful Birding Network, and coauthor of the award winning Ornitherapy: For Your Mind, Body, and Soul and The Power of Birdwatching/ Die Kraft der Vogelbeobachtung.
The deep learning and motivation sparked by Nature’s Pathways to Mindfulness arise from thewealth of welcoming paths that John Harvey lays before us. Harvey synthesizes the science behind nature’s impressive effects on our well-being. He explores a bevy of gateways into mindfulness, from sit spots and forest bathing to guided walks and bird-watching. He enhances each path with intimate and colorful windows into his own sojourns. Most importantly, he writes for a wide range of readers—those who might have trouble sitting still, or respond best to time on the water, or crave routine, or need to be indoors, or relish adventure, etc. Harvey’s book artfully balances the analytical, the instructive, and the intuitive. It will help you find your path and give you a healthy nudge in a good and enriching direction.
Katherine Hauswirth, The Morning Light, the Lily White: Daily Dips into Nature and Spirit
Like Nature herself, Nature’s Pathways to Mindfulness is a soothing antidote to daily stress and anxiety. Filled with beautiful visuals, lyrical descriptions and practical wisdom, it shares Dr. Harvey’s infectious love of wild places. The writing entices us to turn each page and enchants us in such a way that we don’t even realize we’re learning. By reminding us that nature reveals herself to those who sit and wait, this book crystalizes a vague and generalized fondness for the outdoors into something deeper, helping us to love it even more.
Dawn McIntyre author of The Paper Pirate
Many people report feeling good after being out in nature, but probably few know exactly why. Some credit the fresh air, while others their exercise. John Harvey takes scientific research and combines it with his own intimate and careful observations of nature around him to show why contact with nature is vital for our physical and mental wellbeing in addition to restorative health. But Harvey doesn’t stop there, he also teachers the reader, as he personally has with others, methods to get the most from their contacts with nature which has changed people’s lives.
Michael P. Gadomski: naturalist, photographer, author of Pennsylvania: A Portrait of the Keystone State, The Poconos: Pennsylvania’s Mountain Treasure, and many more.
In Pathways to Nature Mindfulness John Harvey describes “tipping points,” moments during nature observation when awareness shifts into the present and away from the created world of thoughts and feelings of past and future. With his “sit spot” approach Harvey guides us into a developmental process—we settle in, nature resumes its activity, we drop our habitual present and past obsessions, and turn to the present. It is a process shared by meditation, but the advantage in nature is that the categories and concepts that support our “separation” give way to seeing ourselves as being in nature and of nature. We are not only in the present, but in presence.
Harvey’s book richly supported with scientific evidence, personal experience, and step by step guidance, is an invaluable resource for those who look to improve their physical, emotional and mental well-being and for those who seek personal transformation.
Lyle Olson author of The Meditation Process: Raja Yoga and Buddhist Shamatha
John Harvey opens the doorway to nature and leads us through. Nature’s Pathways to Mindfulness is a well-researched, thoughtful, and wonderfully written guidebook on how the get the most of nature where we live. He explains that many of us think of nature as only that which is far away, remote, out in the deep woods where “real” nature exists. That limiting view stops many from enjoying the wildness that is as close as a deck with a potted plant, a backyard, or a city park. Harvey clearly describes many ways to enjoy and learn from what we have near us. He points out skillfully the importance of time and its complex link with our appreciation of nature. Simply put, it takes a little time for us to attune to our surroundings. He brilliantly explains how to make that happen. Experiences in nature make us healthier and happier. Harvey cites the research and draws from his own experiences to validate those conclusions. This is a must-read book for nature lovers, psychologists, therapists, and teachers.
One of many beautiful passages from the book: “Who knows what the cycles of time will bring. Who knows how and when and if a vision might come to fruition. I did know that I would carry a vision of this vacant lot, this tiny chunk of coastal dune, this rich vibrant nexus of nature within me.”
Eric Wade, author of Upstream: In the Alaska Wilderness and Squirrelland: Imagination and the Alaska Red Squirrel
Dr. Harvey’s easily readable book is a gem, merging science, practical knowledge, and insight to reveal the spiritual fountain of nature. He takes us on a journey into the natural beauty and harmony of nature that surrounds us and is, in fact, an essential part of ourselves. Nature’s Pathways to Mindfulness is a manual for recognizing the power of nature to restore our physical and mental balance, harmony and wellness. Nature is life itself, constantly changing, growing and healing. We have not to fear nature, or life, but to open ourselves to the rhythms of adaptability, resilience and beauty that nature reveals to all who pay attention. Perhaps the most important lesson we learn from Dr. Harvey as he shares his insights and experiences is how much a part of nature we are. Through nature’s pathways, we begin to experience, and maybe know for the first time, that we are an integral part of a vast reality that is filled with renewal, beauty, harmony, and goodness.
Phil Nuernberger, Ph.D. author of Strong and Fearless and Eternal Self
Table of Contents
To give you a better idea of what the book covers here are the content
Acknowledgments 15
Introduction: A Nature Mystery 19
Chapter 1: Nature and Well-Being 27
Physical Health 28
Emotional Benefits 30
Cognitive Benefits 33
Thoughts 37
Chapter 2: How Much Time in Nature? 39
Look to the Green 39
Each Day 40
Per Week 41
Per Month 42
The Three-Day Effect 43
Guidelines 45
The Next Question 47
Chapter 3: Higher Realms 49
Going In 49
Mindfulness 51
Ascending 54
Chapter 4: Mindful Time in Nature 57
Power Trails 57
Ornitherapy 58
Forest Bathing 59
Sit Spot 65
Common Elements 68
Chapter 5: Sensory Awareness—Gateways to Nature Mindfulness 73
Hearing 73
Seeing 76
Smell 79
Touch 81
Taste 81
Sensory Awareness, Mindfulness, and a Question 82
Chapter 6: Beyond the Five 83
Proprioception and Interoception 84
Four More Senses 85
Chapter 7: Nature Healing 91
A Healing View 92
The Rewilding of Hankins Pond 97
Sister in the Sunrise 101
Chapter 8: Returns 105
A Return to My Home Sit Spot 107
A Return to the Rachel Carson Reserve 111
The Promise 117
Chapter 9: The Seasons 125
Fragrance Week 128
Midsummer 131
October Sunrise 135
Winter Winds 138
Chapter 10: Traveling 145
Lost Lake 148
Sunrise over the Crawfish River 151
The Green Forest of the Blue Ridge Parkway 154
Chapter 11: Wander Walks 161
The Wander Walk 163
Walking to Oneself 167
eBirding for Mindfulness 173
Chapter 12: Mindfulness Afloat 179
Afloat on White Oak 182
The Gathering Ground 186
River Reflections: A Journey down the Lackawaxen 190
Chapter 13: Nearby Places 195
A Backyard Sit Spot 197
Koppenplatz 202
A Feeder Watch Sit Spot 206
A Vacant Lot at the Beach 212
Chapter 14: How to Do a Sit Spot Session 221
Selecting a Sit Spot Location 222
Equipment 223
How to Observe 225
Time 228
Studying Life 229
The Stages of Observation 230
Challenges 232
Pleasant and Interesting 234
Chapter 15: The Sharing Circle 235
Jerry 238
Pat 241
Chapter 16: Deepening Nature Mindfulness 245
Gratitude 245
Blending In 246
Settling In 247
Trust 248
A Conservation Ethic 249
Now 251
Author’s Notes 253
About the Author 267
Nature’s Pathways to Mindfulness is scheduled for release on October 1, 2024 when it will be available on Amazon and through the publisher, Shanti Arts. Here are links to both sites.
One of the best parts of writing a book is the opportunity to meet with readers. I would be honored to provide a presentation, conduct a reading, or do Q&A either live or via Zoom to your book club, library, nature organization, civic or charitable group, business, or religious entity. Because nature so generously provided for me during the writing of this book, I would never charge for the opportunity to share what I have learned.

2 thoughts on “Nature’s Pathways to Mindfulness”
Looking forward to your book, John.
Thanks Michael. It’s been a long process and I will be glad to see it in print too.
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