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Tag: Nature Mindfulness

eBirding and Nature Mindfulness

eBirding and Nature Mindfulness

I couldn’t pinpoint the moment when I descended into a state of melancholy, a state where I felt discouraged, tired, hopeless, annoyed, even sad.  As usual it was some litany of little things that added up; a misunderstanding with a friend, no clear way forward on a task that needed to be done, an appliance breaking down, persistent bad weather, an aching knee. And maybe there were bigger things lurking in the background; a worrisome health problem, a family member…

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Ancient Dunes

Ancient Dunes

My destination was a simple gray bench set atop an old sand dune alongside a nature trail in Anastasia State Park. When I had hiked by the bench it struck me as a good location for a sit spot.  It was convenient, only a five minute walk from my campsite, and the top of the dune provided a good vantage point to gaze into the maritime forest overstory and understory.  And perhaps most importantly, the bench had a good feel…

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A Shared North Country Sit Spot

A Shared North Country Sit Spot

Prologue Michael 5:00 am I woke at 5:00 a.m. to prepare for a shared sit spot with John.  We planned to meet up at 6:30 and walk to the location we had scouted out a month before.  I began my early morning routine by stoking the wood stove, dressing, feeding Jean-Luc (my cat), making coffee, and snacking on a little yogurt with granola.  I gathered what I needed per John’s suggestions; notebook, pencils (a pen might freeze, John told me),…

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The Green Forest of the Blue Ridge Parkway

The Green Forest of the Blue Ridge Parkway

The first reason to return and complete the climb to the Haw Creek Overlook was a straightforward issue of unfinished business.  A few days earlier my wife and I had made it half way up, but simply ran out of time.  I was left with the feeling of a job half done, a mission uncompleted.  And I could feel the pull of those compelling elements of a climb; the pursuit of goal, and the physical, emotional, even spiritual challenge of…

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Return to the Rachel Carson Reserve

Return to the Rachel Carson Reserve

Four hundred miles to the north hurricane Zeta churned out to sea.  In Beaufort, NC the remnants of Zeta’s outer wall ripped 50 mile per hour wind gusts of down the narrow channel of Taylor’s Creek.  Given the additional pull of a strong tidal current I wasn’t sure if it would be safe to paddle my kayak across the creek to the landing for the Carrot Island Boardwalk in the Rachel Carson Reserve, my destination for sit spot. The reserve…

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Walking to Oneself

Walking to Oneself

“Both friends came to realize that walking over long distances and spans of time is the surest way to find oneself.” Tobjorn Ekelund In Praise of Paths: Walking Through Time and Nature  p. 33 I gazed into the campfire, watched the yellow and orange flames rise and fall, heard the crackle of burning wood, and smelled the wood smoke.   Watching the flickering flames I made a decision to get up early and take a long hike.  I wanted to better…

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A Healing View

A Healing View

As the day designated for my surgery loomed steadily closer thoughts arose; in bad moments anxious scenarios of death, disability and disfigurement; in calmer moments practical concerns about all that needed to be done to prepare for the operation that would require a long incision across my neck.  One morning, ten days out from surgery, my mind jumped past the surgery to the recovery process.  I saw myself immersed in an image of all the plant and animal life surrounding…

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Forest Distancing

Forest Distancing

        Prologue John  Slender strands of mist swirled over the still surface of Prompton Lake; lacy twelve inch strands, swirling clock wise, counter clockwise.  I stood by the lake and watched each of my exhalations form a small cloud that floated out and mingled with the morning mist.  It seemed as if my breath, although following a different time scale, somehow joined the greater respiration of the lake.  Behind me I heard a few morning bird songs; the insistent teecha,…

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